Here are the list of the most updated Guidance Documents for Music Educators.
BC Provincial COVID-19 Health & Safety Guidelines for K-12 Setting BCMEA/CMEBC Guidance for Music Classes in BC During COVID-19 Let's Sing - Safety Considerations and Guidelines for in-Person Singing **Please note - the Ministry of Education document references the BCMEA/CMEBC Guidance for further procedures!** Our Past-President, Cindy Romphf (Cedar Hill MS – Victoria – SD61) had put together an extensive list of online resources that were made free/available for educators. We will continue to monitor the resources provided and update them as needed (i.e. now requiring registration fees, continues to be free, etc.) If you have any links to online resources that should be on the list, please use the IDEA UPLOAD link to the right of here to submit.
Idea uploadPlease use the link above to submit your online resource or project/assignment idea! Topics