Thank you to Jonathan Krueger for creating the resource, Note Pyramids. He describes it as "Series of activities designed to help students identify key signatures, and to write sol-fege into their music. Tonal centre identification and do, re, mi pattern recognition."
Thank you to Jonathan Kruger for these great resources for choir/vocal classes.
- Rhythm Boot Camp (great for Kodaly rhythm speaking) - The Mad Minute/Note Naming Sheets (great for all music classes. Available for Treble & Bass Clef.) Our Past-President, Cindy Romphf (Cedar Hill MS – Victoria – SD61) had put together an extensive list of online resources that were made free/available for educators. We will continue to monitor the resources provided and update them as needed (i.e. now requiring registration fees, continues to be free, etc.) If you have any links to online resources that should be on the list, please use the IDEA UPLOAD link to the right of here to submit.
Idea uploadPlease use the link above to submit your online resource or project/assignment idea! Topics