NEW PROCESS for Grant Applications for the 2024-2025 School Year.
A total of $2000 a year will be made available for BCMEA Chapters to apply for funding to put on local projects or events surrounding Professional Development for BCMEA members. Applications can be for any amount, up to the total available each year of $2000.
It will be at the discretion of the board for who gets funding based on the number of applications and merits of the application. Applicants are not guaranteed funding. For events held prior to January, additional avenues of funding should be in place in case Chapter grants are not successful.
Chapter Grant Applications must be submitted by November 30th of the current school year and will be reviewed during the January BCMEA Table Officers & Executive Committee Meetings. Successful applications will be contacted mid January.
Organizations are welcome to apply every fiscal year. Payouts will only be given once every two years unless no other grants are received.
After a successful application, a journal article for the BCMEA Journal is to be written by the applicant.
Articles do not have to be academic in nature, but should be a written submission that describes the workshop or event funded by the grant, and ideally highlights some of the content, takeaways, or key learnings that took place. Feel free to include photos, materials or resources developed as part of your event, quotes from participants or video links with the submission if desired.
Chapter Professional Development Grant Criteria
1. The BCMEA Professional Development Program Grant is designed to help defray costs related to a professional development activity, focusing on the enhancement of music education, organized by a Chapter within the BCMEA.
2. Professional Development Grants are available to certified Chapters through application. All applications will be considered and funding allocated as able.
3.The primary aim of the workshop/event must be in- or pre-service teacher development as opposed to student development.
4.This grant application is limited to Chapters of the BCMEA.
5. Applications are ineligible if grant criteria from previous grant applications have not been met.
**Grants are not issued for events occurring in July or August.
A total of $2000 a year will be made available for BCMEA Chapters to apply for funding to put on local projects or events surrounding Professional Development for BCMEA members. Applications can be for any amount, up to the total available each year of $2000.
It will be at the discretion of the board for who gets funding based on the number of applications and merits of the application. Applicants are not guaranteed funding. For events held prior to January, additional avenues of funding should be in place in case Chapter grants are not successful.
Chapter Grant Applications must be submitted by November 30th of the current school year and will be reviewed during the January BCMEA Table Officers & Executive Committee Meetings. Successful applications will be contacted mid January.
Organizations are welcome to apply every fiscal year. Payouts will only be given once every two years unless no other grants are received.
After a successful application, a journal article for the BCMEA Journal is to be written by the applicant.
Articles do not have to be academic in nature, but should be a written submission that describes the workshop or event funded by the grant, and ideally highlights some of the content, takeaways, or key learnings that took place. Feel free to include photos, materials or resources developed as part of your event, quotes from participants or video links with the submission if desired.
Chapter Professional Development Grant Criteria
1. The BCMEA Professional Development Program Grant is designed to help defray costs related to a professional development activity, focusing on the enhancement of music education, organized by a Chapter within the BCMEA.
2. Professional Development Grants are available to certified Chapters through application. All applications will be considered and funding allocated as able.
3.The primary aim of the workshop/event must be in- or pre-service teacher development as opposed to student development.
4.This grant application is limited to Chapters of the BCMEA.
5. Applications are ineligible if grant criteria from previous grant applications have not been met.
**Grants are not issued for events occurring in July or August.