"Music in the Matrix" February Professional Development 2023.
Session #1 with Dr.Anita Prest and Tracie Finstead. A follow-up the Everything is Connected Conference. Link to the conference follow-up video and instructions: https://www.uvic.ca/education/curriculum/research/home/current-projects/index.php Instructions to find the videos: 1) Scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see "Anita Prest." 2) Click on the "Recordings: Invited Speakers and Artists." 3) The two videos are at the bottom of the list - "Creation of the Everything is Connected conference" and "Representation: Indigenous music in music education" 4) All the recordings of the "Everything is Connected" conference can be found in these three tabs. |
"Music in the Matrix" February Professional Development 2023
Session #2 with Brent Taylor and Cindy Romphf. Time Table considerations in Middle and Secondary Music Education. |
"Music in the Matrix" February Professional Development 2023
Session #3 with Carmen McDowell. BCMEA Book Club, Dr.Anita Collins' Book "The Music Advantage" |
"Music in the Matrix" February Professional Development 2024
Session #1 with Janet Irvine. Strategies for non-Music TTOC's in the classroom (due to the large file size, only audio is available for this session. Please see the word document shared by Janet by clicking on the button). |
"Music in the Matrix" February Professional Development 2024
Session #2 (in two parts) with Kimberly Gorman and Craig Thomson, Music Advocacy and Becoming Culturally Responsive in the Music Classroom. |
"Music in the Matrix" February Professional Development 2024
Session #3 with Carmen McDowell. BCMEA Book Club discussing "Wayi Wah!" |